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Click to Open/Close Instructions
  1. Click "Create Problem" above to create a new problem.
  2. You can choose how functions are presented below under "Types of Functions", if you want to specifically practice reading graphs, etc.
  3. Increase the "Complexity" (at top) from 1 to 2 to practice with expressions where you need to do arithmetic inside and outside the function (f(1+2) or 2+f(3)).
  4. The Option "Allow functions inside functions" allows you to practice with function composition (an advanced topic). You'll need to set "Complexity" to at least 2 for this to work.
Click to Open/Close Options

Types of Function Presentations:

Tables (default)


Allow sums
Allow multiplication
Allow functions inside functions
Allow negative numbers
Highlight subexpressions on Mouse Over
Show tree
Show names on tree (for debugging)
(for debugging);