
Linear Order Creator and Options

Linear Order Creator:

Show Turn Timer Highlight Spoiler's Last Move

Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games on Läuchli-Leonard Linear Orderings


The Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Game is a game about first order logic. Players take turns matching up the points of two linear orderings. The two linear orderings are shown above each other in the same window, one in the top half and the other in the bottom half.
  1. First, Player I (Spoiler) selects a point in either linear ordering that has yet to be selected, and colors it a new color.
  2. Next, Player II (Duplicator) selects a point in the other linear ordering that has yet to be selected, and colors it the same color and draws a line between the two points.
Lines cannot cross, and players cannot select points that have already been picked. The game ends if either player cannot move. Spoiler's (Player I's) goal is to end the game as quickly as possible. Duplicator's (Player II's) goal is to last as long as possible.


Many of the linear orderings in this game are infinite and in order to access all their points, you're going to need to zoom in. The top and bottom linear orderings pan and zoom independently.

Turns Remaining

Because the linear orderings are infinite, it's possible for the game to go on forever. There are three possible ways of resolving this: For the later two options, a turn timer is available. Check the "Show Turns Timer" box under options.

Linear Order Creator

The linear orderings you can play on are those which appear in the theorem of Läuchli and Leonard, which, in some sense capture the interesting linear orderings to play EF games on. They include some basic linear orderings: From these basic linear orderings, one can obtain the full collection of Läuchli-Leonard linear orderings by freely applying the following operations: